Saturday, April 7, 2012

There Is One Born Every Minute

YEAH YEAH YEAH I know. I haven't blogged in a while but it's not like I haven't thought about yall...all 28 of yall. I've had plenty to say just not a lot of time to say it in. Well, today is one of those days when I have to sit down and tell you about the foolery. Mind you it's not gonna be a whole lot. It's just that I hate when people say stupid things and do stupid things without thinking about it. Yeah we all do it at some point in time. Nobody is perfect....except me...but there are somethings that deserve logical contemplation before being spewed onto the rest of the world. Now I know a few weeks ago...ok ok a few months ago I blogged about a woman stating that she doesn't trust other women for whatever reason and I know you saw my view point on that. If not see here---> It Takes One to Know One and come back...I'll wait.

Ok back to our regularly scheduled programming. Today on Facebook, someone posted their feelings of disgust for women that speak loudly in public and then they followed up with: Women should be seen and not heard. Typical guy talk, right? WRONG! It was a female! Now if ya know me, you know I couldn't pass on the opportunity to enlighten a mofo. First of all, the statement is "Children should be seen and not heard" which I think is so disheartening.

So I asked the young "lady": Then why are u speaking? Just askin....
Her: What are you talking about? You don't have to be LOUD to speak! #weirdcomment
Me: U said they should be seen and not heard. Usually when people speak it is heard whether it is loud or not. You're a woman. Would you want to just be looked at and only given permission to speak? Think about it.
Her: IT A FIGURE OF SPEECH with only means a lady should be a lady and you don' (she ended with "'don'" so maybe she forgot what she was going to say. It's OK, I have that effect on most people)
Me: Yeah well some figures of speech are illogical ones. I see your point. I just don't agree with the FOS.

Needless to say, she ignored my comment and proceeded to answer someone else that disagreed with her. *shrugs* Now is this bish serious? How would you feel if you were just a body without a voice? Back in the 30's and before then, women were not allowed to voice their opinion, not allowed to vote, not allowed to make a certain amount of money and not allowed to..hell...there were plenty of shit we were not allowed to do so you mean to tell me that you wish we'd resort to that again? Helloooo I know you've heard of the women suffrage movement. It's that movement that sorta allowed you to be the entrepreneur that you are. Oh my how silly are we sometimes. Other women fought for your freedom to speak and your dumb ass wishes to be silenced? I don't get it!  And since we are on the subject of loud her ass clearly typed out: IT A FIGURE OF SPEECH! Number one, all caps is considered to be loud in the computer world and secondly, put an "s" on the end of IT ya genius! How are you gonna criticize something and turn right around and do it in another form? SMDH Thirdly, use proper English, punctuation and complete sentences when addressing the Cat's Meow Bitch! Get ya shit together!Futhermore, YOU are the woman that should be seen and not heard because it is apparent that you don't think before you speak anyway! 

The LOUD Cat's Meow