Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Little Rhyming and Less Reasoning

I'm one of the few people that refuses to believe that everything happens for a reason. Things happen b/c they just happen. Every instance isn't here to teach us a lesson, it is not always karma and it is not always just a result or reflection of something yet to come. Every person doesn't enter our life with a purpose and every person that exits your life isn't a person "that just didn't deserve or get you". The sun rises because it is time. A ladybug lands on your shoulder because it felt safe to do so. Everyone is not going to like you because it is life. It is not because they feel like you are doing better at this thing called life than they are or its is not because they want to be YOU. It is not that deep. There is no need to find a spiritual connection with everything--no need to conjure up scientific reasoning in all matters--no reason to divide by 12, multiply by 50, take away 20 just to carry the 1 in every situation. Everyone doesn't profit from their hard work. You have people that die on their grind and you have people that have never worked a day in their life but still prosper (Yes, I've seen it). Maybe it is luck, maybe it is not but it still just happens. We feel like we are not complete until we figure out the rhyme to the damn reason all of the time. We have a tendency to miss out on important things this way. NO! The hummingbird did not fly directly in front of you as a sign of something. You just have to be in each other's paths. Appreciate the beauty of it and move on. Listen to the song it sings and move on. Acknowledge its presence and move on, just move on.....MOVE ON!

I'm Just ELLE.......