Saturday, March 12, 2011

Deriving A Plan 2 Reevalauate, Recuperate, Rejuvenate & Re....something (Part I)

     If you've read my tragedy of February 23 then you know by now that I'm currently in a Diva-is-Down situation. Lawd grant me the serenity cuz I'm still in quite a funk & mad about it. Whatever should I do? I will forever be without one of the souls that made me smile. The one that made me the perfect eggs. The only one I considered having children with and if you know me, you know I am HIGHLY allergic to children. I've gone from sad to angry to upset to denial to rejected, back to sad, anger with a twist of disappointment, confusal (I know it's not a word but follow along) & in the state of refusal. I've decided to amputate my feelings from him altogether. Why even continue with anything concerning him? Why on earth did he still want to continue to be in my lil world after all of this? I'm learning to stop trying to figure it out. It's no use. I have to learn to accept the things I can not change. People do the most stupidest things & can make the dumbest decisions known to man. It's not my job to figure it out. I may never figure it out. My job is to figure me out. Where am I going? What do I do now? Where do I go & how the hell long will it take me to get there? Can I pay for a ticket to get me there sooner?  Now, don't get me wrong. It's not like I made him my whole world. U know I am MY world, just so you know so don't get the shit twisted. I just loved him in it. Whichever country or state he was in my heart, I loved him there. I know there is no changing that. Do I forgive him? Is there anything to forgive? I don't know.  He can't make his heart feel something it won't & his heart said, "Dude I ain't ready." At least I think it was his heart. Coulda been  fear. Things are not always what they seem but like I said, it aint for me to figure it out. That's his job. I can't nor did I ever try to change him. I know can & will gain the courage to change the things I can. And that change is deciding to get over it. It'll be a process. This love has been harvested love for over 10 yrs so u R gonna have to gimme a minute but it can be done. I've prayed for help. though I'm not quite sure who I prayed to but I know they heard me cuz I asked for a sign from whatever entity that heard me. That sign came in my pink lighted tweezers.
Now the flashlight on these things have not worked in 3 years! I've beat them, threw them, bought them new batteries and everything and the light never lit again until the night of 25 February when I *gulp* prayed. I came home to naturally cry again at almost midnight when I saw a lil light on in my bathroom. I thought maybe it was my salt lamp but no. This light was tiny as hell. Then I thought maybe I left something plugged up for charging. Nope. WTH is it then? Not my makeup, not the neighbors light from next door & definitely not my toothbrush. I turned the light off 2 follow the light. It was my damn tweezers! Ok now who's fucking with me? These things ain't worked in years and I didn't think to inspect them for that very reason. I look to the "heavens from which cometh my help" as they say. Are yall fucking with me? I tried to turn them off and turn them back on. The turn off was successful, the turn on...not so much. I unscrewed the part that held the battery. No damn battery to speak of. R u serious? Is this my sign? Who heard me? What part did they hear? Lord did u hear the whole prayer or just some of it? Ut oh, if u heard it all then u heard my profanity too huh? Well you know my heart.
     Now to figure out what I need to figure out. They say one step to getting over a broken heart is to let it out. Talk about it. Check. I'm doing that already. Then they said to cry. Don't be afraid to cry. If u know me then u know I ain't scured to cry. I wish I was. As a matter of fact, I've cried so much that I ran outta tears. I guess that's why the angels cried for 3 days after that. They took over for me so check crying off the list. What next? How I wish there were an outline for situations such as these. I guess I'll make my own. This is why this will be continued.

The Wandering Cat's Meow

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