Monday, April 25, 2011

The Truth Is.....

The truth sometimes make reality harder to live with. The truth is democracy is a beautiful dream but the reality is that most of us don't care about democracy as long as we have stability. The truth is that sometimes we are not where we should be but the reality is we are not where we used to be. How do you perceive reality? Would you rather deal with things the way you see them or deal with things the way they truly are? The truth is, happiness is fully attainable but the reality is, who wants to work so hard to obtain it? The truth is mothers should be nuturing and protective of their children. The reality is all of them are not. Do you look reality in the face and blatantly deny because you can or because you refuse to face it? I don't know, tell me what your reality is and I'll tell you how I perceive it.

The Realistic Cat's Meow

Monday, April 18, 2011

No Truer Words...

"If someone wants to be a part of your life, they will at any cost. One shouldn't bother saving a spot for someone who won't make an effort to stay."

Interesting isn't it. But how does one know if one has made a conscientious effort to stay? This brings me back to my heartbreak. He wanted me to stay on HIS terms. It was HIS terms for a very long time. It didn't work for me later. So, now what? Is he to blame for me not setting boundaries? Did we need boundaries? In hindsight, I am guessing so. Hindsight, however, is 20/20.

The Blind-sided Cat's Meow

We Are Not In Kansas Cowardly Lion

     You know what I hate? Yeah, I know what you are saying, "Bish you always hate something!" And your point would be? Don't answer that. I could care less at this point.

Anywho, I hate when people, specifically a male, try to gather information about me by asking me questions in a bish ass way! I hate that! A few days shy of moving into my new domicile, I finally run into one of my neighbors. We talked about his line of work and how he goes back and forth to Iraq for months on end as a contractor. Now, I have already heard about this dude from the previous tenant who just happens to be a friend of mine so I knew the drill. He looked at me all intense as if he was trying to read me. Impossible Boo! Anyway, he proceeded to tell me the happenings in the area and without skipping a beat, his ass asks, "So you live there with your man?" Him don't know me too well do he? *in my Tweety Bird voice* LOL I continued on with, "I have friends in Iraq right now. Some have been there for a while, some fairly new there and a few are coming back soon." He then goes on to say how small the apartments are and how women usually live here with their boyfriends. "What does your boyfriend do?" I deviated to the other neighbor standing next to me and complimented her hair.

Fast forward....

"If I only had the nerve"

The neighbor from earlier, we'll just say his name is Bob though his name sounds like URINE, decided he would walk me up the street to the local market to show me where the good deals are. He got a new phone, asked me my opinion of it, told me some of his business and yada yada yada. On our way back to MY QUEENDOM, he goes, "So I guess your man is trusting. He let you go to the store with me." I say, "Funny. I don't recall discussing a male counterpart with you." He says that he asked if I lived there with my man and I said yes. Now I knew which alley this cat was headed so I betta stop him dead in his tracks before he winds up writing a check that his ass can't cash. "Noooo, I distinctly recall ignoring you actually." One thing I hate is when a mofo ask me shit in the ways of the Cowardly Lion asking the Wiz for some gatdern courage! I'm a direct Kitty. My heart don't pump no Kool aid. "Boo sit down. If you wanna know something, it behooves you to ask. Ask directly and with some balls please cuz I'ma turn ya down either way." He apologized as he should. I can't stand that shit! Don't try to be slick with your shit. You can't slick another can of oil Boo, ya just can't. Lord, where do they find these people? I have already got wind that he likes to show up a Diva's door unannounced. I'll just say this. I am NOT that kitty to do that to. You and I can already foreshadow how that can turn out. I'm just sayin'....
The Anxious Cat's Meow

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Love is NOT Lost

Love is never lost. It changes position every now and then so you would have to work harder to find it. When you do find it, you're more appreciative of it. That's what love is. ~Elvadaseleithia

     Yeah love sometimes trick us with the old switch-a-roo method or go militant & dress in camouflage. It never hides, it is never lost and it is never unsure. Those that have it, can't help but to unleash it. They can't help but to show it no matter how they much they try and tuck their little hearts under a wool sweater or iron box. Those that don't have it can't possibly show it. They may be able to fake it but like the plated gold necklace this woman is wearing in front of me, it will tarnish. The gold will eventually flake off, that metal will turn green, the external will begin to itch and the imposter will ensuingly reveal it's true colors. Oftentimes, we KNOW when love doesn't exist. Our skins starts to itch, that so called "love" begins to flake & we sense that all that is glittering aint gold. But like this lady, we love it anyway. So my question is do we really have no choice in who we love? They say when someone is "the one" we will know it. How many times have you "knew" the person you love was "the one"? How many times have we let "the one" get away because we just knew the one we were persuing was "the one" when they turned out to be "the one we shoulda let go"? I'm sure we all have thought this at least twice. If you say you haven't then you sir or ma'am could be suspected as a distorter of reality. I aint saying you're a liar or nuffin but I'm just saying.
What about the ones who try and pretend there is no love where it truly is? What do we call those people?
Sometimtes love is right in front of us but we don't see it. It has been on the tip of our noses but we failed to smell it. It sings sweet nothings in our ear but we become deaf to the melody. It's been an entree that we failed to eat because the sides were just too irresistable to pass up. Does it make its way back around again or as Langston says, does it make like a dream & dry up like a raisin in the sun? My guess is as good as yours but this one thing I know, Love is never, ever lost but it is US that is.

The Ever-Aporetic Cat's Meow

Friday, April 1, 2011

Three Times the Charm

     As many of you know, especially if you follow me, that I am on a quest to rejuvenating my spirituality (if you don't know, read previous post then come back to this one and keep the hell up!). I am Buddhist and yes we believe in the powers of the mind and the universe contrary to Christian belief. We try not to focus on that. Too much focus on deities makes one forget about living, IMHO.
     Yesterday, on my inspirational & meditational visit to Pacific Palisades's Lake Shrine, TPTB (The Powers That Be) decided 2 visit me once again. About 15 minutes in meditation, the leader asked us to use the rest of this time to speak to TPTB from our hearts while focusing on our breathing. I began to speak. "What do YOU need me to do? How do I know it's you speaking and not me answering myself? You sent a sign telling me that you listen to me but you didn't tell me what to do. What do I do?" An assertive voice from inside proposed, "Be still."  "Ok," I say, "is that my voice I hear or is that you? I need you to appear like right now or else I'm gonna think I'm crazy! Do ya hear me?" I left it at that. Meditation ended. Though I was perplexed, I enjoyed meditation. I had not sat with an erect spine, closed eyes and in silence in a very long time. Exiting the Windmill Chapel with my SNUGGIE in tow, deep in thought & highly spirited, I run upon this sign:
What on earth is going on?! LOL Ok Universe! This is the 3rd time this has been 'yelled' to me. Ok Ok already! I looketh to the skies again from wence cometh my....answer.Now I know it wasn't me answering myself. This sign was nowhere to be found during my previous visit to the garden. I was dumbfounded. "You keep telling me to be still but what the heck do you mean? I'm not moving!" Now that I know TPTB is hearing me, maybe I should ask what is meant by "Be still". I'm not moving or at least I don't think I am but you know Heaven. Their terminology is totally different from ours. My 'still' aint their 'still' if you catch my drift. Yeah, I think you do.

The Impatiently BEing Still Cat's Meow