Monday, April 25, 2011

The Truth Is.....

The truth sometimes make reality harder to live with. The truth is democracy is a beautiful dream but the reality is that most of us don't care about democracy as long as we have stability. The truth is that sometimes we are not where we should be but the reality is we are not where we used to be. How do you perceive reality? Would you rather deal with things the way you see them or deal with things the way they truly are? The truth is, happiness is fully attainable but the reality is, who wants to work so hard to obtain it? The truth is mothers should be nuturing and protective of their children. The reality is all of them are not. Do you look reality in the face and blatantly deny because you can or because you refuse to face it? I don't know, tell me what your reality is and I'll tell you how I perceive it.

The Realistic Cat's Meow


Tawanna said...

THATS DEEP! ... I prefer to face reality and deal with things the way they truly are. I guess thats why I'm not truly happy because I'm dealing with things instead of running away. I see things for what they are. I know that happiness is fully attainable and I am working very hard to obtain it. Thats my reailty! If you want anything in this world you have to be strong enough to handle the truth and face reailty. BOOP! lol

The Divine Miss E! said...

So you feel that one that "runs away" from things are much happier than yourself? How can one ever find happiness when they are constantly looking behind them? THey can't! They can't sleep, they can't eat, they don't think logically and the list goes on. That's why TPTB created us with our faces in front of our bodies instead of the back, so we can see where we are going and not where we've been. People that run are constantly looking behind them. Pretty soon they will hit a brick wall because they weren't looking ahead.

Tawanna said...

No ... what I am saying is that when you choose to deal with things at that time you may not be truly happy because you are going through hell. If I ran away from my problems and didn't face reailty I could probably pretend to be happy ... this just me speaking for myself. im dealing with so much and its hard to be truly happy until i get pass these hard times. anyone thats running away may act happy but deep down they are not. as for me, im looking ahead and hoping that one day after all that i am dealing with, happiness will find me!

The Divine Miss E! said...

I've learned that when we wake up, we decide then what kind of day we will have. We can choose to have a bad day or choose to have a good one. We can choose to be unhappy or choose happiness.

"You are the fellow that has to decide whether you'll do it or toss it aside.
You are the fellow who makes up your mind whether you'll lead or will linger behind,
Whether you'll try for the goal that's afar or just be contented to stay where you are.
Take it or leave it. Here's something to do!
Just think it over --- It's all up to you!"

Tawanna said...

And thats what I do ... I don't let BS get to me. I can just admit that right now I'm not truly happy but I know one day I will be. Its rough right now but one day all this will be behind me. I'm dealing with things! :)

The Divine Miss E! said...

And that is all that you can and be done:)