Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If I Only Had A Brain....

Ya know,
I really hate it when one jumps on the mental bandwagon of others instead of thinking for themselves. Case in point, Tyra "Bankable" Banks made the announcement yesterday (I think) to cancel her show and the world went in an uproar claiming she's biting off the one and only Oprah Winfrey. One person come up with this illogical solution and others followed suit instead of saying...hmmm lemme think about this for a second. Why on earth would TyTy cancel her show just to be like Oprah? What will she gain from doing this? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! She's missing out on some serious loot first of all. I mean who does that just to portray someone else? I know I don't especially considering the fact that we are in a recession! Did it ever occur to anyone that it maybe for contractual reasons that the show is being canceled or maybe the ratings aren't as good as we thought? Maybe another network is picking up the show? They're acting like Tyra owns the network and she actually calls the shots on it's syndication! WRONG! Think for your-damn-selves people! I know it's easier to just jump on the bandwagon since it takes less operation of brain cells but trust me, it's more rewarding to come up with your own thoughts....you can back your own shit up better than someone else's. Damn!

The Logical Cat's Meow

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