Wednesday, December 30, 2009

U say Resolute, I say Absolut...

Ok so it's that time of year again when people start to spew out their "New Year's Resolutions"....oh joy (insert sarcasm). Why do people torture themselves and waste their time every single December conjuring up ways to 'resolve' their lives? I mean really....
Why not resolve, evolve & get involved all year? That's too much like right huh? STOP lying to yourselves! Every year we claim to ditch old friends & gain new friends only to look around to find we have the same friends we started with from jump. Yeah, that's five minutes of brain cells lost. Then we claim to be on a mission to "drop the poundage" & eat more healthy only to overcrowd the gym the first 3 weeks in January & develop road rage @ the drive-thru at McDonald's by March. And then we try to hide at that same drive-thru with hats and sunglasses in tow in fear that someone will see us NOT keeping our New Year's Resolution.
Some of us even attempt to resolve our dissolved relationships with our loved ones. Yeah right! Once you've allowed a relationship to DISSOLVE throughout the year how do you get it back? That's like trying to solidify an alka seltzer AFTER you've dropped it in water or in my case ABSOLUT. It's merely impossible. Now I won't be too negative because anything is possible, things change and yada yada yada plus a blah..I know this but does it really take all year for you to figure out that you're in a relationship by your-damn-self? Hell No! Whether it's with a mate, a neighbor or your CHILDREN, value that relationship to the fullest for you may bring in the New Year with that person but one of you may not see your way out of it.
Which brings me to my next unnecessary issue...what the fuck is "It's complicated" as a relationship status?! In the words of my ex (MVSP)...ARE YOU SHITTIN' ME! That right there tells your dumb ass that there needs to be some type of resolution TODAY! Not in January but to-damn-day! You are either in the relationship equally and agreeably or you're not! PERIOD POINT BLANK! I can't believe this is even considered a relationship status. So, you mean to tell me that you wanna be involved in something 'complicated'? You're proud of that? If you do then you deserve every ounce of disharmony you get!
Let's not talk about the ones who 'resolve' to change their attitude @ the jump of the New Year when they are like 45 years old (insert MVSP quote here)! You are now set in your ways you moron! Don't wait until you have damn near one foot in the grave before you decide to be a 'better person'. Who the fuck does that....beside YOU of course? Attitude adjustments take time and maybe a whole lotta money if you go to the right therapist but it can happen WITH TIME not overnight, especially NOT 31st Dec night because your ass will be drunk and lose focus anyway. Please don't THINK and DRIVE. Oh and please don't forget the ones who make a vow to be all "about me" in 2010. Well, who the hell has it been about for the past 365 days? You should ALWAYS be your number one priority! No one is gonna take care of you but YOU. Not your boyfriend, cousin, BFFs, daddy,mama,babymama or baby daddy, pet snake, dog or President OBAMA but YOU! Who can do it better? If someone can take care of me betta then ME then damnit here is my life. Take it and do as you wish with it because I obviously don't need it since I don't know what to do with it. Yeah, yeah, yeah don't sit there and claim you've neglected you only to take care of others (insert Sunshine Anderson's only hit here). That's YOUR fault! I've neglected myself before for the sake of friends, boyfriends, family or complete strangers only to be mad at ME at the end of the day. Nobody told me to neglect me. My body & mind was telling me to take care of it when I was crying myself to sleep or when I was getting 2 emotional about bullshit or getting headaches or when I didn't have a dime in my pocket, a pot to piss in or a window to pour it out of (well it never got to the no pot to piss in part but you get the gist of what I'm saying) but I didn't take heed. I can't blame him, her or them...I blame me. STFU and take a stand for YOU! Some people make this vow knowing full well it's always been about them all along. Stop the madness. You know who you are. You should make a resolution to stop being freaking selfish possibly.

Ok Ok Ok enough with the venting right about now. I just had to get that shit off my breast, I mean chest. Resolve to Evolve takes less time. Til next time yall...*now where's my bottle of ABSOLUT?*

The ever-evolving Cat's Meow


Anonymous said...

That's right, ma Sistah! So in the words of "Funkadelic's" George Clinton I say, "Free yo mind, and yo ass will follow!" to all those who are still straddlin' the fence. Continued Success with keepin' it real.

Anonymous said...

Okay. We're on our way now!