Wednesday, March 24, 2010

R U paying Life's Rent on time?

“Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” ~Shirley Chisholm

It's the third month of the New Year and people have already shaken their new "found" resolutions. I see a lot of "celebs" have fallen off the "I'm-giving-because-I-Care-During-the-Holiday-season" wagon while others have latched onto the "Let-me-show-the-world-how-much-I-care-two-weeks-before-my-album-drops" tittie. One thing that chaps my hide is 'conditional philanthropy'. During the festive season celebs and all the like were breaking their necks carving turkey, wrapping presents, passing out punkin' pie and rocking terminally ill children in their laps. Now, where are they? Have they moved on to pilot season or have they developed another weak ass attempt to gain notoriety? What about you? What have YOU done today to make you feeeeeel proud (insert Heather Small song here)? We have a tendency to forget that the desolute still needs shelter in February, the hungry still vie for food in July and the terminally ill will still be debilitated in September if the Lawd don't call them home before then. Have we NO SHAME!Why can't we care all year instead of when the lil round-bellied man reminds us at the end of the year to do so? How are you paying life's rent?
Some of us fail to demonstrate acts of kindness and compassion because we are so damn selfish. It's always me, ME, moi or I, I, I! Catch a freaking clue! The world can not heal itself without our help. Yeah I know we are responsible for our own happiness but it's a known fact that making others happy usually result in personal ecstacy right? I could be wrong but I highly doubt it!

The Rent-Paying Cat's Meow

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