Friday, June 3, 2011


It's all about acceptance. That's learning to live in the 'here and now' without resolutions or reservations, without judgement, worry or spinning a story about what's going on with the present.

Sometimes we have to agree to experience a situation for what it is worth. Following a process without trying to protest it or change it no matter how uncomfortable it maybe. Sounds difficult huh? It can be, especially if we have not learned the art of 'acceptance'. It is an art. Why? Art involves talent and talent is something your good at naturally. It can't be taught or bought only manifested and enhanced.  There are many forms of acceptance but my main focus is SELF ACCEPTANCE. Without it, you can accept no one or nothing else. It all begins within. Self acceptance is being happy with self, loving self under or above any circumstances. Self validation, self approval and agreeing to love who you are at this very moment. The sky is the limit once one can accept self. Get a grip and come to terms about how you feel about you. Oooooh the posibilities Boos! Ya just don't know! I took it upon mySELF to rewrite Ms Williamson's piece to fit me. It's posted on my mirror. It is as follows:

MY deepest fear is not that I am inadequate. My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. It is MY light, not MY darkness that most frightens ME. I ask myself, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented & fabulous? Actually, who am I not to be?  BOOP!

Gone 'head and hug you. The real "YOU" and not the YOU that you THINK you wanna be! Now let that marinate for a while.

That's it & that's all if you ask me but yall aint ask me so....

The Self-Accepted Cat's Meow


Tawanna said...

Great post! It's a process ... but its the first step to being truly happy :)

Deneen said...

I agree with Tawanna, it's a process. Life is a journey on learning how to embrace your authentic self. Peace & blessings honey bunny!

Author Valorie Baker said...

Spit that wisdom!!! NOW WHAT'S UP! LOVE IT!

The Divine Miss E! said...

Yah it is a process but how many are willing to take that leap?