Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One Way Ticket To Where-the-Hell!

Why do people say "they're in a better place" or "they are home now" when people die? How exactly do YOU know? Have you been there? I'ont think I'ma like that home. I mean, how big is the kitchen? Is there pink and photos of me in every room? And the coffin seems waaay to small to house all of my shoes and makeup. Do you get to choose your neighbors? What if you don't like your outfit? I know they say it partially because that means a person is no longer suffering on earth but.....just but...what if the person is NOT suffering from anything? I mean I don't have the best of times all the times and sometimes I get a lil down and broken hearted but my life is not that bad. It's actually pretty damn cool. Not being able to pay a bill or bored or powerful headache doesn't constitute ending it all for me. Who said a mofo was suffering? Aint no coming back from death and I don't like to visit places I can't come back from. That's scary. I'll miss my peeps. I'll miss my shoes & the stove. They may not eat cake where I'm going, though I'm Buddhist and believe a bit differently, humor me will ya? What if I haven't accomplished the things I set out to do yet? Is there a redo? Who will be ME whilst I'm gone? No one can pull that shit off! And if the carpet is made of clouds like they say then I definitely can't go cuz my stilettos would just go straight through them clouds. NOT GOOD!  I need to know the weather conditions up there cuz I don't like wearing coats! Am I guaranteed to see ALL of my peeps that have passed B4 me? What? They say they're gonna meet me there so shit, if they are there can we play a game of spades? I'm not understanding why there isn't a round trip ticket offered on this trip "home". I mean, I go home all the time to Atlanta but I bring my black ass back to where I LIVE! How is not being able to shoe shop, make love and eat cake a better friggin place? I demand a gotdamn recount and new survey. It's like people being "thankful to be alive". Be thankful for shit you can experience and can tell the difference. Be thankful for the sun cuz you don't appreciate the rain. Be thankful for having food cuz you've experienced being hungry but you can't be thankful for living unless you've experienced death and since u can't come back from this "better place" then that is not possible.  I am thankful for the great things IN my life is better. Who ever said this shit above has better be reputable. They better have been to death and was able to 'live' and tell about it. I aint met one yet, have you?  No one has come back and told me they like that there new home OR that they like it better than being on earth so I kinda wanna pass but I know I will be forced to go. I know one thing, I aint going w/o a good ass fight. Kicking & screaming in my stilettos all the damn way! WHAT SET U CLAIM!?

The Eternal Cat's Meow

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