Monday, January 11, 2010

Whatever it takes......


Sometimes one has to do what it takes, whatever it takes, whenever deemed neccessary to get what we want and deserve. When we allow someone or something to control our lives to the point where it can run or ruin our lives then we are dead to ourselves. We can allow such things to block our blessings, our chance at love, life or the pursuit of happiness. Who are we to blame but ourselves? Some things deserve explanations and some things need no introduction. Its up to us to differentiate. What do we do in this case? We ask questions perhaps? We see all three sides of the story? What about giving benefit of the doubt? And some things you just have to let go cuz it ain't worth the fight. Whether you think its worth the fight and the other person doesn't or vice versa then guess what? It aint worth the fight unless both peeps think its worth it cuz you can't fight by'd be a fool to think so. If they don't think its worth the fight or hassle then so be it cuz later on down the line you will figure out that you may have lost to begin with. Do what it takes to succeed, say what it takes to sell and run what it takes to win. Feel what it takes to love and love what it takes to live for its love and passion that really makes the world go 'round yall.

The Bon Vivant Cat's Meow...

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