Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Belief is Better Than Your Belief---Shananigans!

I think there are too many people spending far too much time trying to dispel the beliefs of others. How can anyone live their best life this way? We spend so much time debating and studying about "how we got here" and "who made us" or "whose belief system is the 'realest'" and "whose 'most high' is the highest"  that we fail to live life to its fullest potential--our OWN fullest potential. Belief is confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. Now, tell me why on earth do people continue to 'debate' about someone else's opinion of the truth? Why debate and fight and discriminate over something that can't be proven?  Isn't there more to life than this? How about spending more time on something that leaves no room for debate or interpretation like homelessness, racism, child abuse, failing physical and mental health, unemployment and corrupt governments? These things are not things that has to be studied to be proven or not. They are real! You got spiritual-ness, religious-ness, conscious-ness, enlightened-ness...hell it's too many damn 'nesses'! Shit, when you die, its not like you can come back and tell us whose belief system is more real anyway. Use your own logic & live your own truths and leave everyone to their own devices. Love them anyway. Learn compassion and tolerance. Its so much better that way.

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