"Chatter is more out of inner restlessness."
What? Who on earth said that? Now that I think of it, there could be some sort of truth to it.
Welcome to Mauna Monday ( in my Bangles, all girl group voice). What is it you ask? Sit down & I'll give you a brief synopsis on how it came to be....to ME that is.
While busy yelling at, being annoyed with & and having a very intimate meeting with the powers that be the other day, I was led to the observance of "Mauna". I was asking the Universe if it had heard anything I said, will it grant any wish I'd dreamed, will it assist me in assisting others and why the hell is it taking them so long to hear my cry. "What will you have me to do? You aint telling me nuffin & I'm mad about it!" I hear a tiny voice say, "BE STILL." WTF do you mean BE STILL? I continued to rant and rave, cry and snot, pace the floor & ask again. "What will you have me to do? I know I have to give a lil and take a lil but I've been giving & not getting & I really don't think you listen to me so what else you got?" I waited. No reply. A minute later I look up and ask, "Well?" Frustrated, I plopped down on the bed where my "Undreamed of Possibilities" pamphlet by Paramahansa Yogananda popped open to the beginning of the brochure. The first thing I see were the words BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM..... Chills went up my back and back down my spine. I yell, "I asked you what do you mean to by be still? I AM being still. I'm being as still as I possibly can! I can't go nowhere. I have no big bucks to do anything with. I have no damn gas in my car and if I did move I won't come back to a parking spot! What do you mean! I'm only moving when it comes to helping people on their journey & their quest for happiness but what about ME?! And if I don't move, who will? You don't seem to be!" I closed the brochure only for it to pop back open again to BE STILL. Grrrrrr... I done told you Universe I'ont know what you mean! Get it togetha! There you go, not listening AGAIN! Suddenly I hear, NO U R NOT LISTENING. I SAID BE STILL! WHY IS YOUR MOUTH MOVING? I look around. Who said that and who are you talking to? You are NOT the boss of me! Yelling as I sit, I realized that I didn't say those words to my OWNself so....
I began to sit still. The brochure by the yogi kept looking at me all hard so I decided to pick it up. There it is again-Be Still. Alright already! For some odd reason, something brought me back to something I saw and read on my visit to Lake Shrine. That something was a picture of Saint Gandhi observing a day of silence. What? Silence? What's that? There is no such thing as silence, especially to me...the one and only. I talk all the time, even in my sleep. Quiet is boring. I can't sleep when it's quiet. There is too much to be said, too much noise to be made, too many ideas to be thought & not enough time to do it all in. I am the queen of talk, as you can plainly see. Again I hear a voice, BE STILL & BE QUIET. Ok now wait one minute!
*side-eyes* Now I gotta be still
AND be quiet? This is asking for a bit 2 much. Universe, you know I was made to be a mover and a shaker so why now all of a sudden you want me to move nothing & shake less? Please make up your mind! I began to think. Then I said to myself, "Self?" and myself says "Huh?" I say well what the hell are you moving and shaking? Not a damn thing. I guess I'll sit my ass down and shut ME the hell up. I began to research Mr. Almighty Gandhi and his quest for this impossible silence. Gandhi decided to make Mondays his weekly day of silence "mauna". He spoke to no one under any circumstances unless him speaking would save a life. Even the highest dignitaries that wished to speak to him on Mondays had to wait til Tuesday. LMAO! The sandaled one did NOT back down for No One! I love that. Reminds me of ....well...ME. He fasted by being quiet, being quiet got him answers. Interestingly enough, he pleads his case of silence convincingly. He said, "
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Interesting again. Funny thing is, I knew this. I had come to the conslusion a long time ago that the body is busy, the mind is busy, the soul is busy. All three of them need their rest. A rested, peaceful and QUIET mind seems to think more clearly, logically. But wait, I can think while talking! On the contrary, is it clear thinking? NO. Back in the day when I used to meditate constantly, I noticed a lot of things while quiet. I hear my heart beat, I tasted my food, I hear the stars, my thoughts are clear-----I was aware. Hmmmmm....
Being still and being quiet it is. When shall I do this here quiet thing? My father always said, "If you see someone you wish to portray, take them to dinner. If they pick their teeth with one toothpick, pick your's with two." Well, I can't take Gandhi to dinner but I can damn sure do what he did. I want answers so I shall be quiet.
Today is my first day of mauna. I like it so far. I came to Starbucks, ordered my coffee and lemon loaf using a notepad and got to work. The Starbucks' clerks were a bit taken aback seeing as though I am always talking and now all of a sudden I'm using a notepad. They are still watching me as I type this. Funny. Now that I'm quiet and more aware, I now notice that they have horrible coffee. It's really not that great. I'm now convinced that Starbucks have great gimicks. That's what keeps them afloat. The coffee is NOT the bee's knees. I hear every single sound right now. I can vividly hear every conversation taking place in my silence. This is cool. The Universe's poetry is silence. Ssssshh It's talking. Lemme be still & HEAR what it has to say.
The Silent Cat's Meow